The summer months are the perfect time to throw a party. They also can be HOT! But what if you don’t have a pool to cool down all those hot kiddos? Not to worry, there is plenty of water fun to be had with or without a swimming pool.

- G A M E S -
Water games are fun and refreshing! With a simple garden hose, plastic kiddie pool or a few water toys a wet and wild time can be had by all! Here are a few fun games we found on
Water limbo - Put on some music and see how low you can go! Put the garden hose on full blast to use as the limbo stick and take turns limboing underneath until everyone is soaked!
Musical Sprinkler Freeze - Start with the sprinkler turned off. Have everyone move around the sprinkler area, jumping, dancing or striking funny poses. When the sprinkler is turned on everyone freezes in position and gets drenched until the sprinkler is turned off again!
Slippery Balloon “POP” - Throw a bunch of inflated balloons in a kiddie pool and let kids try to pop them by sitting on them. The slippery balloon surface and wet kids will make for a hilarious game to play and watch!

Water Balloon Toss - This aged old classic can be updated by filling the water balloons with half shaving cream, half water. It makes for a messier and more memorable “pop!”
Splash Tag - Add some water to this classic by having the player that is “it” throw water-soaked sponges instead of simply touching the person. The first person hit with a wet sponge becomes the new “it.”
Kick up the water fun with a Lake Erie wet/dry inflatable! We offer several different themes to add the perfect touch to any water-themed party. Our wet/dry inflatables include Princess Castle, Star Wars Obstacle Course and Star Wars Slide.
- F O O D -
All that water fun can work up quite an appetite! Here are a few cool treats perfect to serve outdoors. For more check out
Fruit kebabs are colorful and fun. More importantly filled with water to keep the kids well hydrated.
Serving food that can be served at room temperature like guacamole, salsa or hummus will ensure your party goers stay safe as well as fed. Serve with baby carrots, pita wedges and cucumbers for an added crunch.
Kiddie pools are not just for relaxing! Fill one with ice and add juice boxes, bottled water or gatorade to make sure every party goers thirst is quenched.

For a treat make a watermelon ice cream cake (Try Martha Stewart's Watermelon Bombe), or homemade popsicles for a sweet way to beat the heat!
- G O O D I E B A G S -
Send party goers on their way with a water-themed goodie bag! Fill a sand pail with fun water gifts like a squirt gun, inflatable beach ball, goggles, and rubber duckie! Add some freezer pops so they can cool off on the way home!
